- /help or /info: Access the information panel
- /commands: Access the list of commands
- /st: Access the skill tree
- /score: Check the xp Leaderboard
- /craft: Access special crafting menu
- /kit: Access available kits
- /buyraid: Buy a raidable base
- /quest: See the progress of your accepted quests
- /twig warn: Turn on/off notifications about twig always decaying
- /rbe despawn:- Despawn the raidable base you are the owner of – NO REFUNDS
- /balance: Check your Bronze Bits balance
- /transfer [player] [amount]: Transfer ββ to another player
- /sil: Upload an image for your paintings. Decorate to your heart’s appropriate desire.
- Copy the image link of an image you want to display
- URL must end in .png or .jpg
- Look at the sign you want to upload the image on
- Type /sil in chat
- Paste url and hit enter
Note: Staff reserve the right to erase any sign deemed inappropriate
- Copy the image link of an image you want to display
- /sili: Paste an image of the item you are holding on the sign you are looking at
- /autolock or /codelock: Access the auto lock and auto door closing settings UI
- /hsretire: Forces any patrol helicopters called in from a signal to retreat and despawn
- /sb: Access the skin box
- Skinning costs a small amount of ββ per skin
- Donors are not charged for skins
- /sd: Skin an item already deployed
- Skinning costs a small amount of ββ per skin
- Donors are not charged for skins
- /checkfoundations: Verify base location for Defendable Homes event is on suitable terrain
- /offeringstatus: Check the status of The Valley Tribute
- /offeringtop: Check the top Valley Tribute contributors
Updated on November 29, 2024